Monday, February 15, 2010

Golden Oldie

Sew it seams (pun) i've decided on my design.

My inspiration.

Nautical fringed shoulder pads. Annette Kellerman had a deep love for the ocean, so that's where the naval influence has come from. Goldie Hawn in overboard just because she's fabulous and I watched that movie last night.

"The man who has not given himself completely to the sun and wind and cold sting of the waves will never know all the meanings of life. I still wait to see my first real mermaid sitting on a damp grey rock combing her long green hair."
-Annette Kellerman

I've started draping a toille on my dummy. it's going pretty smoothly, but there's not much you can stuff up when you're just placing, pulling and pinning.

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